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  • 2023 Interchange Oregon - March 15th and 16th

2023 Interchange Oregon - March 15th and 16th

  • 15 Mar 2023
  • 8:30 AM
  • 16 Mar 2023
  • 5:30 PM

The CIA of Oregon is partnering with MarijuanaVenture again to bring you Oregon's most effective and respected cannabis industry networking events:  Interchange Oregon!


Interchange is not like other trade shows.  Instead, it's a direct B2B event where every participant is guaranteed twenty one-on-one meetings with the exact folks they need to talk to in order to help grow their business. 

You don't have trust us checkout these testimonials from last years attendees:

Retailer Testimonials: (Retailers Attend for FREE)

Thank you again for the wonderful opportunity; the Interchange event was a huge success in my eyes and I appreciate all of the time, energy and effort put into ensuring the best possible outcome. To date, we have made purchases from three of the vendors that we met there and have set-up meetings for detailed showings with two additional vendors next week. About September, please reserve my spot as this is a MUST ATTEND event!!! ~ Sherrie Gottfried - The Grass Hut

It was amazing...We had the opportunity to sit down with cannabis brands, cultivators, and some of the hottest techs within the Cannabis industry for a speed dating event, which was fire! I loved it, I am so grateful!  ~ Seun Adedei - Elev8

The team I sent to Interchange was impressed with what you had to offer and said it was well worth our time. I can tell you that we will be attending the next one, and I will be there with my crew this time. ~ Ryan Korando - The Arboreteum

Vendor Testimonials (Farms, Processors, Wholesalers, Business Services):

Interchange offers absolutely the highest ROI of any conference I've ever attended. The event attracts high quality retailers who are genuinely interested in new strategies to grow their business. Interchange also offers ample opportunities to socialize with both retailers and other attendees from across the industry. ~ Carleen Krug - Terrayn

You don’t get opportunities like this everyday...this is a winner. ~ Barry Katz - HG Pharms and Extracts

This has been the best use of our marketing dollars so far. ~ Chandler Wade - PureJoy Gardens

This is perfect for somebody like me that can’t get to everybody the way I need to, to be successful. Interchange brought everyone to me and it was amazing. This is one of the best events we have had in our industry. We’re all still talking about it so I’d say it was a huge success!!! ~ Krista Browning - Otis Gardens(cultivator)

Interchange takes place over the course of two days, and features preset time controlled meetings between retailers and product vendors. Like speed dating, only for cannabis businesses.  Vendors can pitch their products and/or services to retailers, and deals can be made to ensure the success of both parties involved.

Wholesalers - Processors - Producers

Selling products to retailers? Sign on as a vendor for the opportunity to meet them face to face in time controlled meetings with buyers and managers.

February 13th is the Registration DEADLINE for vendors who want to bring cannabis products, register ASAP.

Retailers - Attendance is FREE!
So be sure to register now, so you can be a part of this incredible event!

Interchange Oregon

March 15th - 16th, 2023


If you have any questions or concerns contact:

Susan and Julie!

Co-Event Directors

Email: Susan@interchangemv.com  or Julie@interchangemv.com

Phone: Susan@ 954-347-0246 or Julie@561-843-1743